Win the Lost, Equip the Saints, Send the Servants

After the death of a loved, you will go through a roller coaster of emotions and pain. Help and encouragement is available so you can begin rebuilding your life.

GriefShare is a special group that is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to support you through the difficult days ahead.

The class is designed so you can jump in at any time. You don’t have to take the classes in order. It’s just important to start and work your way through.

The class involves videos, workbooks, and guided discussion.

How do I get started with the class? Click on the link below and signup.

Leader: Neil Groom

Contact Info: or (714) 271-9726.

Cost is $26 for the workbook. Note Grief Share on your payment.

*If you need are interested in helping lead this group then. Please send an email to

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is GriefShare about?
GriefShare provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, parent, family member, or friend and helps you through your grief journey.

When and Where is GriefShare?
Mondays, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm via Zoom; no password

Can I check out GriefShare before registering?
Yes, just click on the above Zoom link and let the leader know your desire.

Can I repeat a session or the entire course? 
Yes, just click on the above Zoom link and let the leader know your desire.

How do I join GriefShare?
Click on this link, then on the Register for This Group button (far right) below and signup.Do I have to be a member of the church? Can persons who are 

How much does it cost?
To repeat, $0.00. For newcomers, a donation of $26 is requested to cover the cost of the workbook and postage.

Questions? Want to help?
Contact: Neil Groom,, text or voicemail (714) 271-9726.